Gravito COO Patrick Glantz - Nordic Ad Tech Review Podcast Episode 8

For the eighth episode of Nordic Ad Tech Review, we dedicate a full episode to data. We speak to data expert Patrick Glantz the COO of Gravito to explain a jargon-filled aspect of ad tech. From different storage options, to acronyms like CIAM, IAM etc. We also get some insights on what Gravito is doing in the Finnish market right now specifically.

It also features myself and our COO Rebecka Sjöström - Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Soundcloud.

Episode dictionary

Below we include some definitions around data to back up the discussion included in this episode of the Netric podcast:

Storage possibilities

Third Party Cookies vs. First Party Cookies

3rd party cookies now work only on Google Chrome. Currently the decision to sunset them in Chrome is delayed until 2024 by Google. 3rd Party cookies are blocked in other browsers like Safari, Firefox , Brave etc.
First party cookies are of two types: Client-side and Server-side.
Client-side cookies if used for tracking will disappear in Safari in 2 to 7 days.
Server-side cookies will stay unless the user clears the cache

Cookies generally have a low size limitation(5KB). Too many large cookies can also cause problems in loading your webpage.

Local storage

The user has complete control over access to your files and therefore it is really secure in comparison
The data can be accessed easily and quickly
The user does not require an internet connection to access local storage
Have to constantly keep backup of data to prevent loss
The user is completely responsible for the safety of the data
It is more difficult to share your data with others

Server-Side Storage
Server-side cookies are not accessible by any client-side scripts available on the webpage.
Server-side cookies can remain for a long period of time and are not removed by Safari's ITP etc.

Client-Side Storage
Cookies accessible by client-side scripts
Client-side cookies if used for tracking will disappear in Safari in 2 to 7 days


Customer Identity and Access management (CIAM)

The CIAM solution enables your customers to access your applications and services typically allowing a social or email login capability.

Identity access management (IAM )
IAM does the same as CIAM but for internal resources only.

Customer Data Platform (CDP)
A CDP refers to a Customer Data Platform whose role is to store your First Party Data in an efficient way. Its aim is to unify the data in order to build a near real-time view of the consumer.

Consent Management Platform (CMP)
A Consent Management Platform collects the required marketing and analytics consents from the websites. This is a legal requirement for data gathering.


What is a clean room?

It’s a secure place where first party data is anonymized and processed. This data can then be shared in a compliant way with measurement partners and media and publisher platforms like Google and Facebook.

“On the Edge”
In this context, ‘edge’ refers to data being processed on the device/client-side before serving it to cloud platforms. Processing data on the client-side directly on the fly brings many benefits to digital marketing operations.

Internet of Things (IoT)
is a system of devices and machines that have a unique ID with the ability to transfer data over a network without constant human to human, or human to computer interaction.

Web3 refers to the third evolution of web technologies and how we consume and share information online. It consists of applications operating on Blockchains and decentralized networks utilizing AI. Its promise is to bring us new experiences tailored more towards our preferences and needs.

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Look out for more episodes with some of the top people from publishing, media and advertising soon.

Daniel Ahlbert